Increase returns Increase returns

Increase returns, save management time, diversify your banks – three actions you can take to look after your cash…

When talking to charities over the past few years about how they manage their cash, the initial incentive for using Akoni has been the increase interest…

When talking to charities over the past few years about how they manage their cash, the initial incentive for using Akoni has been the increase interest rates they can achieve and how much more money they can make using the platform. 

A second positive was how much time could be saved from using Akoni’s platform. In fact, a number of charities have said that this is as big a benefit as the extra cash funds. A charity’s finance team using our platform are able to monitor all of their cash on one dashboard as well as make changes across multiple accounts from a single hub account, making their time more productive. Access to a simple digital platform has been crucial for our clients during these times of working at home!

In the past few months, a third factor has had come to the fore – increasing diversity of cash deposits across multiple banks. This has always been a popular feature of Akoni’s platform but now in these unprecedented and unpredictable times, we are seeing more clients opting to spread their cash across multiple banks. Once again, this is simple using the platform, 

In these uncertain times for funding and fundraising it is crucial for charities to look at other ways to look after their valuable core funding. Increasing your returns, saving time and transactional expenditure, and looking after that money through greater diversification, is all possible through our innovative platform. 

About Akoni: Akoni is an award-winning UK cash platform, which provides a marketplace to SMEs and charities, as well as to individuals through our white label distribution partners including IFAs, wealth platforms, accountants and SME hubs. Akoni uses innovative technology to personalise cash planning solutions for clients, and also provides a full API solution to banks and insurance clients.

Please feel free to get in touch with me at  if you’d like to find out how Akoni can help your nonprofit.